Green’s Dictionary of Slang

skitey adj.

[skite v.1 ]

(Aus./N.Z.) boastful.

[Aus]Queenslander (Brisbane) 6 Sept. 56/2: He looked defiantly at the boy who had called him skitey.
[NZ]D. Ballantyne Cunninghams (1986) 144: She didn’t look at Gilbert, and he felt she wasn’t looking at him on purpose and that made him seem skitey.
Dly Mirror 10 June 20/5: ‘Aye, the skitey lass, ye mean. She’s a blatherskite’.
[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald 17 Nov. 24/4: His autobiography is awful. Boring, skitey.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 1080/1: since ca. 1925.
[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 103/2: skitey boastful; c.1925.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. [as cit. 1988].