Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gasoline n.

alcohol, esp. Jack Daniel’s whisky.

[US]T.A. Dorgan in Zwilling TAD Lex. (1993) 96: She [...] passes out the gasoline and long black perfectos to the boys.
[US]S. Lewis Main Street (1921) 398: He’ll come in stinking of gasoline.
[US]Tommy Johnson ‘Cool Drink of Water Blues’ 🎵 I asked for water and she gave me gasoline.

In compounds

gasoline smile (n.)

(US) a self-satisfied smile.

[US]C. Connors Bowery Life [ebook] ’Say, w’ere’s de bloke’s cigaret’s?’ ’Wot bloke’s cigaret’s?’ she sez. [...] Den she gives me de old gaserline smile and sez: ’Ah, fergit it.’.