Green’s Dictionary of Slang

durry n.

[the resemblance of the India-made dhurrie/dhurry created as packaaging but used as a small carpet, available in Aus. since 1850s, when rolled up; other theories suggest Ulster durrie, anything small; link to rolling tobacco Bull Durham]

1. (also durrie) a cigarette, esp. when hand-rolled; thus digital durry, an e-cigarette.

[Aus]Truth (Brisbane) 25 July 12/1: For reply, the compatriot humped his shoulders more securely against the convenient post, crossed one immaculate boot over the other, and removed the 'durry' from the gash in his chiv.
[Aus]Longreach Leader (Qld) 24 Sept. 7/1: Mr D. Hoare was to be paid 1/- a night for every night the hall was engaged by a travelling company to stop smoking in the prohibited places. He had instructions to take the names of any person who refused to ‘dump the durry’ when requested.
[Aus]S. Weller Old Bastards I Have Met 77: Diddler always had a durry hanging on his lip and I woke. If the durry was hanging on his chin, he had no more than a good pair and was going for a ride.
[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald 18 Sept. 1/5: Cigarettes, also known as durries, lungbusters and backnails are still smoked behind the toilet block after school.
[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 41/2: durry cigarette, usually roll-your-own, the makings often called durries, perhaps associated with Bull Durham brand tobacco, though Partridge ponders possible link with ‘duria’, fire; eg ‘Fling us your durries, will ya, mate. I’m dying for a smoke.’ c. 1910.
[Aus]M. Coleman Fatty 224: ‘Bullfrog loved those durries,’ Vautin said. ‘He always had a Camel hanging out of his north and south’.
[NZ]P. Shannon Davey Darling 112: My Mum guts-dragging her durries on the back step.
[Aus]L. Redhead Thrill City [ebook] I sucked in smoke, blew it out, handed the durry back.
Facebook 15 July 🌐 It was right next to the watering hole where old mate shit his daks when this daggy, yobbo bugger came at him with an axe. No dramas tonight but, and I lit up a durry, thought about my hard yakka and headed to the dunny.
[Aus]D. Whish-Wilson Shore Leave 82: ‘If you got me a cigarette? You Aussies call that a durry, am I right?’.
[Aus]Betoota-isms 118: Digital Durry [...] 1. An e-cigarette 2. Any variety of vape, vape pen or electronic device used to smoke tobacco.

2. a cigarette butt.

[Aus]Baker Popular Dict. Aus. Sl.