Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bum kick v.

[bum kicks n.]

(US) to depress, to annoy; thus bumkicked adj., depressed, irritated.

[US]M. Braly On the Yard (2002) 236: The inhalers bumkicked him.
[US]F. Salas Tattoo the Wicked Cross (1981) 115: Look, man. I know you’re bumkicked over your buddy.
J. Eisen Altamont 113: I’m bumkicked about the whole thing [HDAS].
(con. 1960s) Schwendinger & Schwendinger Adolescent Sub. n.p.: Deliberately destroying the sense of peace [...] or euphoria [caused by marijuana] is known as ‘bum kicking’ a person [HDAS].