Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Paphian n.

[Paphos, the city in south-western Cyprus, where it is claimed that Aphrodite, goddess of love, was born]

1. a prostitute.

[UK]Marston Metamorphosis of Pigmalions Satyre I 23: Crowne my head with Bayes, Which like a Paphian, wantonly displayes The Salaminian titillations, Which tickle vp our leud Priapians .
[Aus]P. Cunningham New South Wales II 277: Accosting gentlemen [...] whom she saw chirping in the streets to the Paphians.
[UK]Crim.-Con. Gaz 1 Sept. 18/3: A key that insures / Your way through the doors / Which lead to thy Paphian’s heav’n.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 26 Sept. 4/1: The [...] Paphian attracted the stares of a [...] mob.
[UK]Swell’s Night Guide 35: The list of cyprian votaries differs in some degree from the Cockney Paphians.
[UK]‘Walter’ My Secret Life (1966) V 992: I met a shortish girl who seemed one of the host of Paphians.

2. attrib. use of sense 1, pertaining to a prostitute or prostitution; thus pertaining to sex.

T. Lodge Scillaes metamorphosis n.p.: Borne of the Sea, thou Paphian Quéene of loue.
[UK]J. Sylvester Du Bartas (1605) 534: Is’t not enough, that in your soules, yee feele Your Paphian Fire? but eu’ry Brothel-Louer, T’inchaunt the wanton with his wanton stile, Must (strumpet-like) his lustfull flame discouer?
[UK]W. Barksted Hiren n.p.: And as the warlike God with Venus meetes, / And dallies with her in the Paphian groue, / Shall Mahomet in bed shew thee such sports.
J. Taylor Superbiæ Flagellum I 36: The Paphian pastime, and the Cyprian game, The sports of Venus, and the acts of shame.
[UK]Sappho-An 18: But ask the Paphian nymphs, or Gnidos’ dames, / They’ll tell ye, he oft quench’d the Goddess’ flames.
[UK]Mimosa: or, The Sensitive Plant 15: Who wantons in the Paphian train; / Possess’d of plant, and guineas.
[UK]M. Leeson Memoirs (1995) III 143: At the very zenith of my glory, the reigning vice queen of the Paphian Goddess.
[UK]Sporting Mag. Nov. XIX 97/2: The Paphian temple was situated on an obscure street.
[UK]J. Wight More Mornings in Bow St. 144: The parties are Paphian nymphs of the lowest grade.
[US]Flash (NY) 3 Oct. n.p.: He used to visit the Punch Bowl [...] where the most choice of the Paphian Priestesses ere wont to resort.
[US]Whip & Satirist of NY & Brooklyn (NY) 4 Feb. n.p.: He spent the night ogling a Paphian nymph in white satin.
[UK]Man of Pleasure’s Illus. Pocket-book n.p.: Paphian Bowers. These houses may generally be known amongst a whole street of others by some peculiar signification, which a thoroughbred Londoner can immediately.
[UK] ‘Lady Pokingham’ in Pearl 5 Nov. 22: ‘How delightful,’ said Alice. ’The Duke has gone to Paris on business, and the Duchess is often indisposed; we shall find ourselves in Paphian bowers.’.
[UK]Randiana 10: I do not know that, with all my experience of Papkian [sic] delicacies since, I ever have viewed any skin more closely resembling the [...] acme of cutaneous beauty.
[UK]‘Lais Lovecock’ Bagnio Misc. 36: After partaking of a rich dessert [...] repaired to our Paphian Temple.
[US]‘O. Henry’ ‘Man About Town’ in Four Million (1915) 84: Paphian eyes rayed upon me, and left me unscathed.

In compounds

Paphian game (n.)

the business of prostitution.

[UK]J. Taylor ‘World runnes on Wheeles’ in Works (1869) II 241: I pray you what hindrance hath it, but it may use the Paphean or Priapian game?
[UK]J. Taylor ‘Life of Thomas Parr’ in Works (1870) 15: He frayly, fouly, fell into a Crime, / Which richer, poorer, older men, and younger, / More base, more noble, weaker men and stronger / Have falne into. / The Cytherean or the Paphæan game.

In phrases

dance the Paphian jig (v.)

to have sexual intercourse.

‘Conceited Lover’ in Academy of Pleasure 44: Tipple Nectar, And dance the Paphian Jig.