Green’s Dictionary of Slang

shandygaff n.

[SE shandygaff, a drink composed of beer and ginger-beer, both mixed and alcoholically weak]

(Aus./N.Z.) an uneasy compromise, anything that fails to please either party in a dispute; often attrib.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 10 Apr. 6/1: Weight and condition defeated loafers and long shandy-gaffs.
[Aus]Windsor and Richmond Gaz. 8 Nov. 4/4: The jumbled mixture [...] plainly shows the writer to be more familiar with shandygaff than English composition.
[Aus]Launceston Examiner (Tas.) 2 Dec. 2/4: If yer gaun sing bass, sing bass; or if yer gaun sing tenor, sing tenor; but let’s have nae shandygaff.
[UK]Morn. Post (Cairns, Qld) 24 Mar. 3/2: [headline] Shandygaff Politicians [...] Something Definite Wanted.
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 27 Oct. 4/8: He’s the Mayor, a real genuine Mayor, and none of your shandygaff nobodies.
[Aus]Register (Adelaide) 26 Aug. 8/4: The Premier made it clear [...] there was to be no shandygaff compromise.
[Aus]Launceston Examiner (Tas.) 12 June 8/1: He does not want a shandygaff sort of thing that crawls one day to Conservatism and the next day dances to a true Socialist tune.
[Aus]Horsham Times (Vic.) 8 May 2/5: [headline] Shandygaff Petrol. the adulteration of petrol.
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 28 Dec. 2/3: [headline] Why A Shandygaff Blackout? Position regarding the black-out in metropolitan area has lay minds thoroughly puzzled.
[Aus]Sun. Times (Perth) 16 Nov. 3/3: It is one of those shandygaff holidays when people mostly work.
Hansard (Lords) ccv: He called it a kind of shandy gaff society, but whether it was the strong ale of socialism mixed with the lemonade of private enterprise or the other way about, he never made quite clear.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 183: shandygaff [...] 2. Poor performer, such as a weak government.