Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cas adj.

also cazh, kasj
[pron. ‘cazz’; abbr. SE casual]

a term of general approval for anything favoured, e.g. a close friend, an item of clothing, a rock band, a given activity [note 19C use casual, not to be depended on, uncertain, ‘happy-go-lucky’; thus another e.g. of the bad = good model].

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 2: cazh – casual, laid back, socially optimal.
[US]P. Munro Sl. U. 54: Do you want to go to the movies tonight? — Okay, that’s cas.
[US]S. Morgan Homeboy 4: Nothing kasj about those brown and yellow stains.
[US]Eble Sl. and Sociability 36: All types of shortening are evident in college slang. The most frequent pattern of clipping is the loss of sounds from the ends of words: [...] cazh, from casual.
‘Valley Girls’ on Paranoiafanzine 🌐 We’re the totally cas girls you see hanging out at the beach, the mall, and the 7-eleven.