Green’s Dictionary of Slang

canoodle n.1

[canoodle v.]

a cuddle, an act of love-making.

[UK]N. Clifford [perf. Vesta Tilley] In the Pale Moonlight 🎵 Augustus James Fitz-Noodle, / Through a forest strayed with a pretty maid, / To enjoy a nice canoodle.
[UK]Sun. Times Perth 17 Sept. 1/3: A Subiaco cag-mag merchant should conduct his canoodles in private.
[NZ]N.Z. Truth 20 June 6/3: A Kaikoura Kandoodle [...] They came together in an uinwise manner and bashed the moral code.
[Aus]Truth (Melbourne) 3 Jan. 6/5: Shameless, salacious hussies who trump up tales against innocent men who have never even indulged in a quiet corner canoodle with them.
[NZ]D. Davin Breathing Spaces 89: She’s even after the loving couples at night if they curl up there for a canoodle.