Green’s Dictionary of Slang

wanting adj.

[SE wanting intelligence, brains etc.]

mentally unbalanced, insane.

[UK]Dickens Nicholas Nickleby (1982) 439: ‘He was a little wanting here,’ touching his forehead.
[UK]Times 12 July 11/3: Making him seem to be what village-people call ‘wanting’ .
[UK]J. Buchan Three Hostages in Buchan (1995) 74: Had something given in my brain last night [...] so that now I was what people call ‘wanting’?
[UK]I. & P. Opie Lore and Lang. of Schoolchildren (1977) 199: A person who is ‘wanting in the upper storey’ is: bats.
[UK]‘J. Bell’ Trouble in Hunter Ward 180: Maisie, poor mite, wanting from birth, she was [OED].