Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gerook adj.

[Afk. gerook, smoked]

(S.Afr.) intoxicated by drink or a drug, usu. cannabis.

[SA] informant in DSAE (1996).
[SA]D. Muller Whitey 62: He’ll be so gerook by this time that he probably won’t even recognise you.
Weekly Mail (S. Afr.) 9 Dec. 32: We get a lot of flak from most of the Afrikaans press. They say we’re unpractised, dik gerook (stoned) and that the lyrics are naive [DSAE].
[SA]A. Lovejoy Acid Alex 59: You had too much and it’s making you feel kak-gerook.
O. Gordon Agony of Ecstasy 149: Back in Cape Town we got ‘lekker gerook’ (really stoned) and listened to Eurythmics.

In phrases

spookgerook (adj.)

(S.Afr.) paranoid through smoking.

[SA]A. Lovejoy Acid Alex 153: The zol helped me get spookgerook enough to distance myself from the lappie.