Green’s Dictionary of Slang

elrig n.



[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict.
[Aus]Sydney Sl. Dict. (2 edn) 11: Elrig - A girl.
[UK]J.W. Horsley Jottings from Jail 4: Hi, yob! kool that enif elrig with the nael ekom.
[UK]Northern Whig 12 Sept. 8/6: In some parts of the East End of London the coster class [still] say ‘occabot,’ [and] ‘reeb.’ A boy is still a ‘yob,’ a woman a ‘namow,’ and a girl an ‘elrig’.
[UK](con. 1930s) Barltrop & Wolveridge Muvver Tongue 35: ‘Elrig’ for a girl used to be heard.
[US]J. Burkardt ‘Back Sl.’ Wordplay 🌐 elrig: girl.