Green’s Dictionary of Slang

what’s the good word? phr.

also what’s a good word?

1. what are the facts?

[US]Wash. Post 3 July 3/1: ‘What’s a good word?’ asked Red Lou [...] ‘Everything’s fine as silk,’ declared Hoppy.
[US]W.R. Burnett Iron Man 20: ‘What’s the good word, Mr. Regan?’ ‘Coke wins by a knock-out.’.

2. (US) a cordial greeting, how are you?

[US]S. Lewis Job 143: ‘How does your perspegacity discipulate, Herby? What’s the good word, Miss Golden?’.
[US]D. Hammett Maltese Falcon (1965) 407: ‘Hello angel! What’s the good word?. . . . Fine, fine. Hold it. I’ll be out in twenty minutes. . . . Right’.
[US]‘John Monahan’ [W.R. Burnett] Big Stan 112: Otey [...] saw Stan and waved. ‘Hi, Cap. What’s the good word?’ ‘Hello, Otey’.
[US]Ebonics Primer at 🌐 What’s the good word? Definition: how’s life? how are things goin? Example: What’s the good word, my nigga?