Green’s Dictionary of Slang

boffo n.2

also boppo
[? boff v. (1)/bop v. (1)]

(US prison) a year (in jail).

[US]G. Milburn ‘Convicts’ Jargon’ in AS VI:6 437: boffo, n. A year. ‘He was handed ten boffos.’.
[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 31/1: Boffo. [...] 2. (P) One year. ‘Old John is in stir (prison) fifteen boffos and the Board hits him with three months for investigation. That’s a real lousing around.’.
[US]Wentworth & Flexner DAS.

In phrases

25 boffos (n.)

(US Und.) a 25-year sentence.

[US]Bentley & Corbett Prison Sl. 22: Quarter A 25-year prison sentence. (Archaic: twenty-five boffos).