Green’s Dictionary of Slang

emeff adj.

also emeffing, emm-eff
[pron. of initial letters; m.f. adj.]

(orig. US) euph. for motherfucking adj.

[US]W. Motley Let No Man Write My Epitaph 128: Them emeffing guards is bringing it in in fountain pens.
A. Childress Hero 34: All over the emm-eff community [HDAS].
K. Walker ‘The Kings of Comedy’ WalkerWorld 🌐 The ribaldry extended to a bawdy linguistic lesson on the permutations of the word emeff by Bernie Mac, who tells us it’s a noun. ‘The emeff owes me 35 emeffing dollars. I ain’t seen the emeff since. But next time I see the emeff, he better have my emeff money…’.
posting at Worth1000 🌐 She’s part of some club that’s into bugs, on her way to some kind of rally somewhere. And that’s one big emeffing bug!