Green’s Dictionary of Slang

flesh! excl.

also flesh and eels! flesh and nouns!
[abbr. of SE God’s flesh/? eyes/wounds]

a blasphemous excl.

[UK]Congreve Love for Love III xv: Flesh, you don’t think I’m false-hearted, like a Land-Man.
[UK]Farquhar Recruiting Officer II iii: Flesh, I’s keep on my nab!
[UK]J. Shirley Triumph of Wit (5 edn) 194: The cully flams Flesh rumly [The Fellow Cants very well].
[UK]Humours of a Coffee-House 10 Sept. 23: Flesh and Nouns Sir! [Ibid.] 3 Oct. 29: Flesh and Eels, Doctor!
[UK]Vanbrugh & Cibber Provoked Husband I i: Flesh! I thought we should never ha’ got hither!