Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bracer n.1

[SE bracer, a nerve tonic]

(orig. US) an alcoholic drink, esp. as a ‘pick-me-up’.

[[UK]Times (London) 9 Oct. 1/2: [advert] The cordial balm of gilead, a restorative unequalled, a bracer and invigorator of the whole animal function].
[US]Edenton Gaz. (NC) 14 Sept. 4/2: I drink from seventeen to twenty glasses of brandy or whiskey and water (by way of bracer) every day precisely at 11 o’clock.
Savannah (GA) Mercury 1 July n.p.: I take [...] a cooler at nine, a bracer at ten, a whetter at eleven.
J. Habberton Jericho Road 12: Treat him to whisky; he needs a bracer [DAE].
[US]W. De Vere ‘Jim Marshall’s New Pianner’ Tramp Poems 9: He landed one beneath his belt, just like a mornin’ bracer, And then another followed suit, wo’t Lish Row’d call ‘a chaser’.
[US]K. McGaffey Sorrows of a Show Girl Ch. xviii: Work the remorse gag before they have a chance to get a bracer for their hangover.
[US]C.E. Mulford Bar-20 Days 17: They must have one more bracer.
[US]F. Hurst ‘Even As You And I’ in Humoresque 280: Aw, say – have a heart; blow me to a bracer, too!
[US]W. Edge Main Stem 73: We stopped in a bar on the way to my beanery, to get a bracer.
[US]C. Himes ‘The Way of Flesh’ in Coll. Stories (1990) 228: Jes a lil ole bracer, capn, wid all dat sorrow n all.
[Aus]L. Glassop Lucky Palmer 209: Cheer up, Mr. Grey. What you need is a good bracer.
[UK]Wodehouse Mating Season 33: If ever I needed a bracer, it was then.
[US]Southern & Hoffenberg Candy (1970) 49: I could do with a bracer before seeing your father.
[NZ]R. Morrieson Pallet on the Floor 96: God, I feel like a bracer.
[UK]B. Hare Urban Grimshaw 7: I take the occasional bracer myself.
[Scot]L. McIlvanney All the Colours 110: [A] bracer at my elbow.