Green’s Dictionary of Slang

insect n.

(Aus./US) a horse.

‘Ned Buntline’ Buffalo Bill 31: The horse [...] walked up to the porch [...] ‘Isn’t he a rare insect? He can run ten hours and never flag, swim any current this side of the big hills, and he knows as much as I do about hide and seek’.
[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald 11 July 6/1: The everyday and all-day kind of quadruped is most often referred to as a ‘prad’, but he is almost certain to come also under such descriptions as ‘insect,’ ‘crocodile’ (condensed to ‘crock’) and ‘cuddy’.
SE in slang use

In phrases

have the insects (v.)

(Aus.) to suffer delirium tremens.

[Aus]Tharunka (Sydney) 8 Nov. 28/1: ‘Shut up Sharkey, you’ve got the insects again...stop gibbering.’.