Green’s Dictionary of Slang

guzzled adj.

[guzzle v.1 /guzzle v.2 (3)]

1. (also gossled) drunk.

[UK]Sporting Times 26 Apr. 6/1: ‘How do I look?’ I ask of Pitcher. His answer is concise. ‘Gossled.’ ‘And how are you?’ ‘Same.’.
[Aus]Truth (Melbourne) 31 Jan. 11/1: Margaret chose to loiter in some near-by allies, on the look-out for some guzzled Gussie.
[US]Howsley Argot: Dict. of Und. Sl.

2. assaulted, subjected to intimidation, killed.

[US]Hostetter & Beesley It’s a Racket! 227: GUZZLED—Vigorously questioned by the police, especially by the use of violence or bullying.
[US]D. Runyon ‘Blood Pressure’ in Runyon on Broadway (1954) 76: Gloomy Gus Smallwood [...] is guzzled right at his front door.