Green’s Dictionary of Slang

spintry n.

[? Lat. spinter, a bracelet; thus those men who wear them and the image of male homosexual sex as having bodies linked together like the links of a bracelet]

a male homosexual prostitute; thus spintrian adj.

[UK]Tacitus translation by Grenewey in Williams Dict. Sexual Lang. I 1286: Then first of all were those vnknowen words of Sellaries and Spintries found out of the filthines of the place, and sundrie sorts of sufferance of abuse.
T. Browne Religio Medici II 7: This was the temper of that Lecher that carnald with a Statua, and constitution of Nero in his Spintrian recreations.
Walker Compleat Hist. II 257: Our other New States-men, and their New-erected Sodomes and Spintries at the Mulbury-garden at St. James.
[UK]R. Brathwait Honest Ghost 94: A gaudy-giddy-giglet is convei’d, A virgin pure, as any Hackney Maid [...] A rare sense-seazing Tweake, whose Speaking eyes And Spintrian art, compleat this Enterprise.
[UK]T. Blount Glossographia 602: Spintrian [...] pertaining to those that seek out, or invent new and monstrous actions of lust.