Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hallelujah n.

1. (US) a euph. for SE hell.

W.G. Davenport Butte and Montana 28: I can...give them hallelujah [HDAS].
[US](con. c.1910) G. Duffy Warden’s Wife 9: If Warden Edgar catches us in his garden we’ll get holy hallelujah.
[US] in DARE.
[US]R. Tomedi No Bugles, No Drums 100: We’d beat the hallelujah out of them.

2. (UK tramp) a Salvation Army hostel for the homeless.

[UK]M. Marshall Tramp-Royal on the Toby 151: Through from the above Hallelujah shelter [...] is the cheapest kip in London.

3. (US) a pious individual.

[US]E. Torres Carlito’s Way 17: That was home base, the church. Kids used to call me a ‘hallelujah’ —break my chops.