Green’s Dictionary of Slang

get up v.1

1. to penetrate sexually (whether the vagina or anus).

[UK]Banquet of Wit 26: ’Among the rest [of my conditions for marriage] says she, positively, I will lye in bed as long as I please in the morning.’ ‘With all my heart, madam,’ says he, ’provided I may get up when I please’.
[UK]‘Sportsman’s Hall’ in Rumcodger’s Coll. in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) IV 249: I have a tenement to let, / It will please both great and small, sir, / [...] / The sort of tenant I would choose, / I will now tell you fairly, / He must be young and one that can / Get up both late and early.
[UK]Peeping Tom (London) 14 54/2: But never while they dwelt within the walls, / Got up their great things.
[UK]London Life 2 Aug. 5/1: wanted a clicker. Must be capable of getting up first-class ladies.
[Aus]Dead Bird (Sydney) 23 Nov. 2/3: ‘Oh,’ replied Mr. T., with a tender glance at his buxom young wife, ‘I have no stated hours for it, in fact I get up when ever I feel that way inclined’.
[UK]‘Walter’ My Secret Life in Mills (1983) 273: She played one or two baudy tricks, and lastly turned her bum to him whilst he sat on a chair and got his prick up her.
[US]Maledicta IV:2 (Winter) 196: The terms used for copulating […] are not really euphemistic because it is implicit that no ambiguity could possibly result and, unlike euphemisms, they are, or used to be, avoided in polite, mixed company. Related to this group are the allusive [...] make the beast with two backs (Othello), go tummy-tickling, play rub-belly, match ends, get up.
[Aus]B. Ellem Doing Time app. C 218: That’s where the homosexuality starts from. Some will rip a boy into the shithouse and get up him or get a suck off him.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr.
[Ire]K. Barry ‘Fjord of Killary’ in New Yorker 24 Jan. 🌐 ‘Mick’s a man of sixty,’ Vivien Harty said, awed at the persistence of her husband’s desires, ‘and he’d still get up on a cracked fuckin’ plate’.

2. (Aus./US) to go fast.

[Aus]J. Holledge Great Aust. Gamble 84: However, he got back those losses with interest when ace lightweight jockey E. Gorry got her up to take both the Spring Handicap and the Free Handicap later in the meeting.
[US]S.A. Crosby Blacktop Wasteland 104: ‘I bet she [i.e. an automobile] get up,’ Kelvin said. ‘Yeah. She got some legs’.

3. (also get around, ...over, ...the name out) of a graffiti artist, to inscribe one’s name or signature.

[US]C. Castleman Getting Up: Subway Graffiti In N.Y. [Foreword]: New York City teenagers have been ‘getting up’ – marking and painting their names on subway trains – since the late 1960s. [Ibid.] 19: getting around, getting over, and getting the name out, were used to signify the same idea.
[UK]N. Macdonald Graffiti Subculture xii: Tagging, hitting, getting up: Writing one’s name or signature.

4. (Aus.) to rebuke, reprimand, scold.

[Aus]B. Robinson Aussie Bull 33: Not so the noble little woman - she got fair up ’im.

5. (Aus.) to beat, to get the better of.

[Aus]T. Winton Human Torpedo 110: ‘And the bogs?’ he murmured. ‘Were they just to get up your oldies?’.
[Aus]G. Seal Lingo 198: To get up someone means to best them, as in we’ll get up them in this game.

6. (Aus.) to succeed.

[Aus]J. Byrell Lairs, Urgers & Coat-Tuggers 278: Tappy belts out ‘Caribbean’ then bounds out the back and hits Billabong Chief in the nick of time and it gets up at 33-1.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett Leaving Bondi (2013) [ebook] [T]here was always the chance Leaving Bondi [i.e. a movie] could get up.

In phrases

get oneself up (v.)

1. to dress up.

[UK]H. Kingsley Hillyars and Burtons (1870) 421: Some two-penny-half-penny clerk, who gets himself up like a fancy stock-rider.
[US]J.D. McCabe Lights & Shadows 227: [H]is whole dress shabby and not overclean, and his pockets stuffed full of newspapers, and many have imagined that he ‘gets himself up’ so, in order to attract attention on the streets.
[UK] ‘’Arry on His Critics and Champions’ in Punch 14 Apr. 180/1: You git yerselves up, — that’s the fust thing.

2. to prepare oneself emotionally.

[US]D. Goines Inner City Hoodlum 202: Ceremoniously attempting to get themselves up for what they knew was an approaching showdown.
get up off (v.) (US black)

1. to refrain from gossiping about a third party.

[US]Z.N. Hurston ‘Story in Harlem Sl.’ in Novels and Stories (1995) 1009: Git up off of me: quit talking about me.

2. to give up something important or valuable.

[US]C. Himes Real Cool Killers (1969) 84: Celebrate your old man’s flop by getting up off some of it.
[US]M. Braly Felony Tank (1962) 32: He’s still got dew on him. Carl even got up off a candy bar.

3. to resist a way of doing things.

[US](con. WWII) J.O. Killens And Then We Heard The Thunder (1964) 15: If he ain’t no sergeant you sure ain’t no corporal, so get up off it.
J.A. Williams Capt. Blackman 17: C’mon, man, wake up! You dreamin’, baby. Get up off it!

4. (US prison) to stop harassing another inmate.

[US]H. Williamson Hustler 179: I told him that I wasn’t no punchin’ bag and that I wanted him to get up off me. [...] If he don’t get up off you, you suppose to do somethin’ to him. If you don’t they’ll think you’re a pushover.

5. to make oneself sexually available.

[US]J. Wambaugh Choirboys (1976) 85: I bet she woulda got up off some pussy if I coulda showed her a few fifty dollar bills.

6. to experience the effects of a drug.

[US]C. Major Juba to Jive.
get up (on) (v.)

1. (US black) to get excited by, to become interested in; as a command to become aware, ‘get wise,’ or with n., to act.

[Eve. Freeman 16 Dec. 4/6: This system of ‘getting up behind’ bills, as the slang phrase for endorsing runs.
[US](con. 1950s) H. Simmons Man Walking On Eggshells 177: Aw Dad, get up. The world ain’t gone come to no end just ’cause I got busted [...] blowing some Mary Jane.
[US]Current Sl. V:2 7: Get up on the stove, v. To cook a meal (command).
[US]D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 148: I’ve been gettin’ up for games for fifteen years and playin’ my ass off, and I’m gettin’ close to that time [...] when I’m gonna flame out’.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 4: get up on this – said to someone who is being disagreeable, uncomprehending.
[US]R. Price Lush Life 31: How do they know what i got in mind before I even get up on them .

2. (US) of a man, to seduce.

[US]M. Lacher On the Bro’d 44: The whole crew chilled [...] trying to get up on Carly.
get up with (v.) (US black/campus)

1. to meet someone; to get in touch with.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 1: get up with – 1. to pass the time with someone or something.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Sept.
[US](con. 1986) G. Pelecanos Sweet Forever 262: Get up with you later on.
[US]G. Pelecanos Drama City 161: Maybe he can get up with me, he has the time.
[US]Pelecanos (con. 1972) What It Was 11: Shit, Red, I been lookin to get up with you.

2. to have a romantic encounter; to have sexual intercourse.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 7: Sexual activity [...] Synonyms: Horizontal Twist and Shout, Night Laps, Get up with someone.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Oct.

3. to fight.

[US]K. Scott Monster (1994) 311: Cuz, they fightin’! Monster’s gettin’ ’em up wit’ ’em.

SE in slang uses

In phrases

get up and get

see separate entries.

get up in (v.)

(US black/prison) to interfere in, to force oneself upon, to fig. enter where one is unwelcome/forbidden.

[US](con. 1998–2000) J. Lerner You Got Nothing Coming 167: Nigger got up in mines! I tol’ C-Note not to be gettin up in mines when I gots a letter from my bitch.
[UK]‘Aidan Truhen’ Price You Pay 71: Is it possible your dickless friends and you got all up in someone’s shit without first asking if that person was a person of consequence?