Green’s Dictionary of Slang

moaner’s bench n.

[black English pron. of SE mourner’s bench]

(US black) a special pew reserved during a black church revival for those who wish to be ‘saved’. Under the direct eye of the preacher and other church dignitaries, they moan and groan, confess their sins and hope to be ‘visited by the Spirit’; thus moaner, one who makes a public repentance.

[US]Paducah Sun (KY) 21 May 2/2: The old familiar tune they are singing to get ’em up to the moaners’ bench.
[US]Sun. Wash. Globe (DC) 26 Jan. 3/1: Well, suh, de ole pahson ’livered a mighty pow’ful surmon dat night, an’ de moaners’ bench was packed an’ jammed.
W. Faulkner Sartoris 24: Sinner riz fum de moaner’s bench [DARE].
Harder Collection [DARE].
[US]C.E. Lincoln The Avenue, Clayton City (1996) 14: When it was all over, those who had tarried faithfully on the moaner’s bench until they finally got religion were marched down to the river and baptized.