Green’s Dictionary of Slang

wojus adj.

also woejus, wojious
[SE woeful + atrocious]

(Irish) bad, terrible.

[Ire]V. Caprani Vulgar Verse and Variations n.p.: Then suddenly we turned into Smithfield and happened on the most wojious ructions [BS].
[Ire]J. O’Connor Secret World of the Irish Male (1995) 233: Floundering around in a bloody wojus kip like Sea World.
[Ire]F. Mac Anna Cartoon City 261: Remember that woejus old boot in school. The Irish teacher.
[Ire]G. Coughlan Everyday Eng. and Sl. 🌐 Wojus (a): poor or bad; ‘That tea is wojus.’.
O. Fawley New Dubliners 17: The taxi-driver said the traffic was only wojus.