Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Paris n.

Proper name in slang uses

In compounds

Paris brothers (n.) [play on stereotyped views of French sexuality]

(gay) homosexuals, esp. twins.

[US] (ref. to mid-1960s) B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 146: Paris brothers (mid ’60s, fr pun on pair of brothers with Paris [?where Frenching comes from]) homosexual brothers, particularly if twins.
[US]Maledicta IX 56: Paris brothers n [R] Homosexuals, esp. twins; homosexual slang.
Paris bun (n.) [rhy. sl. = Hun n. (2)]

a Protestant.

[Scot]I. Welsh Trainspotting 127: Rents’s auld boy’s a soapdodger and a Paris Bun, but he’s no really intae this sortay gig.

In phrases