Green’s Dictionary of Slang

deckie n.


(Aus.) a deckhand.

[Aus]Aus. Word Map 🌐 deckie [...] The deckie pulled the craypot over the side of the boat.
Professional Skipper (NZ) 🌐 But the fact remains that there are times in a Skipper’s life when you find yourself with a boat-load of passengers, no deckie, and suddenly, urgently, nature calls.
[Aus]T. Winton Turning (2005) 146: In a town like this the available men were fat-gutted skippers [...] or the adolescent deckies.
[Aus] D. Whish-Wilson ‘In Savage Freedom’ in Crime Factory: Hard Labour [ebook] On the prison wireless I’ve heard Danny’s running wild, working as a deckie.