Green’s Dictionary of Slang

fadoodling n.

also fadoodle
[fadoodle n.; the term is used in Thomas Middleton’s The Roaring Girl (see cit. 1611) when, midway through a scene in which the whole canting vocabulary is paraded and properly translated, the authors back away from explaining wapping (see wap n.) and niggling (see niggle v.), dismissing them as ‘fadoodling, if it please you’]

a euph. for sexual intercourse.

[UK]Middleton & Dekker Roaring Girle V i: moll.: Wapping and niggling is all one, the rogue my man can tell you. trap.: ’Tis fadoodling, if it please you.
[US]E. Field ‘A French Crisis’ in Facetiae Americana 19: She’d dance the ‘Shaking of the Sheets,’ fa-doodle, wap and shag.