Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pose off v.

also pose up

(W.I./UK black/US gay) to strike an exaggerated pose.

[WI]Bennett, Clarke & Wilson Anancy Stories and Dialect Verse 16: Nancy se one big picture a Puss pose off eena de book.
[UK]C. Gaines Stay Hungry 28: He’s posin, man. That’s some of the greatest posin you ever saw.
[UK]J. Hayes ‘Gayspeak’ Quarterly Journal Speech LXI 256–66: In his white levis and jacket just posing up a storm.
[UK]C. Newland Scholar 211: I’d make a fine one wouldn’t I? Dissin’ you for doin’ the armed, yet posin’ off with my earings an’ necklaces an’ all dat.
[UK](con. 1981) A. Wheatle East of Acre Lane 63: He don’t buy much tune but he poses off his jewellery at the counter, innit.