Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bangtail n.1

[bang v.1 (2a) + tail n. (2); a pre-19C term in the UK, it has been sustained through 20C+ US black use]

a prostitute; thus as adj. promiscuous.

[UK]N. Ward London Spy VII 174: A couple of most Tolerable Punks, whose Silken Temptations, and more Modest Deportment, gave them a Just Title to a higher price than the White-Apron Bangtails, who were sweating in the crowd.
[UK]N. Ward Poetical Entertainer V 13: Madam Bangtail with a Face of Brass, Rig’d by some Bawd, does for a Beauty pass.
[US]R. Klein Jailhouse Jargon and Street Sl. [unpub. ms.].
[NZ]K. Dunn Geek Love 335: The ‘bang-tail’ is Miranda [...] flirting with her Binewski eyes.
[Aus]M.B. ‘Chopper’ Read Chopper 4 205: We run out and try to find the biggest bangtail bleached blond moll in town.