Green’s Dictionary of Slang

smokkel v.

[Du. smokkeln, to smuggle]

(S.Afr.) to deal in drugs or in illicit liquor.

[SA] informant in DSAE (1996).
[SA]D. Muller Whitey 44: ‘We know that you smokkel here!’ the cop snapped.
[SA]A. Lovejoy Acid Alex 120: He smokkeled a fat knoes of snout for me. [Ibid.] 207: The rest of us smokkel whichever way how. If I had money I could buy a B-Group pak and smokkel entjies and twak for tand.

In compounds

smokkelhuis (n.) (also smokkelhouse, smokkie)

an illegal drinking den.

Partridge Dict. Und 646: Smokkelhuis is the Afrikaans equivalent of S. African shebeen.
[SA]D. Muller Whitey 20: Find a smokkelhuis and buy a bottle of cloudy shebeen wine. [Ibid.] 21: You seem to be suffering, ou Whitey [...] Maggy Aap’s piss, I suppose. That’s a bad smokkie. They never wash their bottles. [Ibid.] 23: It was a lulu of a shebeen — a jolly old smokkelhuis of five-star rating!
[SA]A. Dangor ‘Waiting for Leila’ Waiting for Leila (2001) 59: Auntie Minnie’s smokkelhouse crushed into a mound of rubble. [...] Some blerry busybody archeologist will [...] examine in minute detail all the ‘bottlekop’ daggapipes.
P. Jooste in Fair Lady 25 Nov. 142: Gus-Seep found him drunk in the street outside The Buildings, a well known smokkelhuis close to the railwayline, where seamen came and went [DSAE].
Weekend Argus Sept. 3 29: Death is etched on the face of the thin adolescent fingering the ‘lemmetjie’ (blade) in his pocket. It’s scrawled across the gang that has swaggered out of the ‘smokkie’ (shebeen) [DSAE].
M. Langa Memory of Stones 127: Stanley suggests that they visit a smokkie and catch a dop.
‘Kleinboer’ Midnight Missionary 122: And learnt that Cape people call a shebeen a smokkelhuis, and a box of wine a [...] happy tappy.