plack n.
1. (Irish) anything of small value.
et al. Burgh Court Bk. Selkirk (1960) 108: Jhone [...] said to Dounaldsone that the hors suld nocht be the vor ane plauk, for ve haif na haist in our rydding . | ||
Ane satyre of the thrie estaits 104: Scrybe. I wryte all day bot gets never ane plack. | ||
Thomas of Reading n.p.: Not so qd VVallis, you get not the valew of a plack or a bawby: we haue stolne your cloth, then why do you not hang vs. | ||
The pack-mans Pater Noster 4: For when I pray for making up my pack, man, / Your Ave Mary is not worth a plack, man. | ||
Mock Poem 3: By making Lines not worth a Plack: / Some of eight Syllabs, some of ten. | ||
Edinburgh’s true almanack n.p.: [H]e carpeth still against our ancient Town: / Saying we conterfeit his Almanack, / Whose value truly is not worth a plack. | ||
Irish Hudibras in Bliss Irish Writings from the Age of Swift (1979) 126: What though of ready ne’er a plack / Yet many a plugg of good toback / It cost me to come to dis port . | ||
Willy Wood & Greedy Grizzle 5: To prove me but a stupid ass, / For buckling thus [...] / A romping girl not worth a plack. | ||
Cumberland Ballads (1805) 18: They pick’d my pocket i’ the thrang, / And de’il a plack had I. | ‘Will & Kate’||
Rhymes of Northern Bards 6: Tho’ be not worth a plack is / His own coat on his back. | Jr. (ed.)||
Justified Sinner 93: The saving of [my life] would not have cost you a plack, yet you refused to do it. |
2. (Ulster) a mouthful.
Poems on Various Pubjects 36: Wi’ them galore, an’ whyles a plack / To make me frisky, / I’ll fen an’ barley freely lack. | ‘To the Potatoe’ in