Green’s Dictionary of Slang

drome n.

also ’drome

an aerodrome.

[Aus]H. Rosher letter 23 Jan. in With the Flying Squadron (1916) xi. 41: I crashed into the atmosphere first thing this morning and flipped around for 55 minutes. By then I was as cold as, so pitched in the ’drome .
[US]J.M. Grider War Birds (1926) 197: My new motor is a dud. It chewed up a valve but I got back to the drome all right.
[US]J. Archibald ‘Crash on Delivery’ in Flying Aces Nov. 🌐 Three hours later a mud-bespattered machine lurched into the drome of the Ninth Pursuit Squadron.
[UK]Whizzbang Comics 52: The big German bomber was wheeled out on to the ’drome and then took off.
[US](con. WWI) J.W. Bellah ‘Fear’ in Mason Fighting American (1945) 443: They fed you up on poobah at your training ’drome.