Green’s Dictionary of Slang

scope n.

[abbr. SE telescope]

1. (also telescope) the erect penis.

[US](con. 1958) R. Farina Been Down So Long (1972) 101: He bent a leg to cool the old scope.
[US]Current Sl. II:4 10: Telescope, n. Penis.

2. (US black/campus) a look, a stare, a lookout point.

[US](con. early 1950s) J. Ellroy L.A. Confidential 55: A perfect spot – quiet, a scope on the whole gang.
[Ire]P. Howard Miseducation of Ross O’Carroll-Kelly (2004) 132: Suddenly there this other bird behind me having a scope.
[US]Simon & Burns ‘The Pager’ Wire ser. 1 ep. 5 [TV script] ‘Omar’s ride. Bubbles spotted it.’ [...] ‘Good scope’.