Green’s Dictionary of Slang

’s abbr.

also ’z

an abbr. of ‘God’s’, as found in a number of oaths; see ’sblood! excl.; ’sdeath! excl.; ’sfoot! excl.; ’sheart! excl.; ’slight! excl.; ’snails! excl.; ’swounds! excl.

[UK]R. Brome Sparagus Garden II iii: Sdaggers if ever man that had but a mind to be a Gentleman was so noddy poopt.
[UK]C. Cotton Scoffer Scoff’d (1765) 284: S’Fish! I am a Slave.
[UK]Behn Sir Patient Fancy I: ’Ds diggers, Sir, you have griev’d enough for your Mare in all Conscience; think of your Mistress now, Sir.
[UK]Behn Sir Patient Fancy 1: Zoz, I was a modest fool, that’s truth on’t.
D’Urfey Sir Barnaby Whigg 5: ’Sbud [...] a Pox on Phillis and Chloris, they were both Strumpets, I warrant.
[UK]Comical Cheats of Swalpo 7: ’Sdiggers, he’ll steal your livers if he says he’ll do it.