Green’s Dictionary of Slang

after-clap n.

[‘an unexpected stroke after the recipient has ceased to be on his guard; a subsequent surprise; an unexpected event happening after an affair is supposed to be at an end’ (Johnson, Dictionary, 1755)]

1. anything unpleasant that emerges after a situation had been supposedly settled; cites 1707, 1834 pun on clap n. (1)

Ladies Losse 4: How came the custom with the pocks, / Puts Member Privy under locks, / And nat [sic] Italian? What mishap Occasion could this After-clap?
[Ire]Farquhar ‘To a Gentleman who had his Pocket Pick’d [...] by a Mistriss’ in A. Carpenter Verse in Eng in 18C Ireland (1998) 65: You say you fear some After-clap.
[UK]J. Strype History of [...] Edmund Grindal 103: Some After-Clap of News, which might clash with, and confute the first Tidings.
[UK]Witchcraft of Love 31: You said I should have her, if my Father would settle so and so, and now you come with your After-clap of consider’d, and changed your Mind.
[UK]J. Fletcher Zelotes & Honestus Reconciled xix: With respect to that gentleman’s character, this after-clap does not alter my thoughts of it.
[UK]W. Forbes Dominie Deposed 5: If such things be done with speed, Their safe, ’tis help in time of need, No after claps.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[US]Ely’s Hawk & Buzzard (NY) 15 Mar. 3/1: Miss M.R. be careful of after claps.
[US]Flash 14 Aug. n.p.: Becky, for fear of afterclaps, then betook herself to French Henry’s.
[UK]Swell’s Night Guide 109/1: After-clap, any disagreeable affair attending an action, see clap, pox.
Liverpool Mail 29 Mar. 5/1: Peculiarly unpleasant after-claps in the shape of inexorable demands for heavy arrears.
[UK]Manchester Eve. News 22 Feb. 4/3: I may hope and pray that the civilian afterclaps of the late election may be as mild [...] in their effects upon disobedient voters as the ecclesiastical [...] penalties have been upon your truly.
[US]Wkly Messenger (St Martinville, LA) 13 Aug. 2/2: An afterclap always accompanys such events [...] he had just secured warrants for our arrests.
[UK]Shoreditch Observer 9 Aug. 3/3: After-Claps [...] There had been a dispute [...] and Mrs Peck alleged that Newsman struck her several violent blows.
[US]Durham Dly Globe (NC) 19 Jan. 2/2: He is permitted to scribble upon the pages of the weekly afterclap of a former defunt daily newspaper.
[US]Goodwin’s Wkly (Salt Lake City, UT) 12 Dec. 7/1: But now comes the afterclap. Bill is re-elected.
[US]Polk Co. Republican (Duck Town, TN) 21 Dec. 1/3: When a committee [...] usurps the right of the people, there is pretty apt to be an afterclap.
[US]Eve. Public Ledger (Phila., PA) 26 Sept. 7/3: It is an afterclap of the August Furniture Sale [...] enormous selling from day to day.

2. a bill that is presented after the first has already been paid.

[UK]J. Morley Scrophulous Disorders 87: Persons wishing to consult me may be afraid, lest, as I am not regularly feed, should come with the After-Clap of a long Bill.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]J. Caulfield Blackguardiana.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
Guards 46: [E]xpensive dinners are given, which are as often paid for by the invited as the inviters — by what is vulgarly called afterclaps.