Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bugshit adj.

[bugs adj. + dipshit adj. (1)]

(US) crazy, eccentric, also adv.

H. Fox Living underground 360: When I see the mad uterus staring me in the eyes, I go bugsh.
[US]S. King Stand 175: Lloyd Henreid thought that [...] he would go utterly and completely bugshit.
[US]S. King It (1987) 140: Those big boys, they drive me bugshit.
J.D. Williams ‘Bug City’ Noir Mechanics 3 🌐 His wife was staring at me. I told him he was going bugshit. He cried and admitted this was so.
[US]I Box Publishing 🌐 Story creation is about the only thing I seem to be able to do for any length of time without going bugshit.
J. Sorenson Caught in the Act 99: You’ve always been bugshit over that girl.
[US]T. Pluck Bad Boy Boogie [ebook] [H]e punched the bricks to feel anything other than bugshit crazy.