hackney n.
1. (also hackney jade, hackney lady, hackney-mare, hackster) a prostitute; also attrib. (see cite 1639); occas. as a v.
Mannerly Margery Mylk and Ale line 11: I am no hackney for your rode. | ||
An Apologie of the School of Abuse (1868) 66: Venus a notorious strumpet, that lay with Mars, with Mercurie [...] with Adones, that taught the women in Cyprus to set vp a Stewes, too hyre out them selues as hackneies, for gaine. | ||
The golden booke of the leaden goddes 19: The second [sister] is called Ocypite A spedy conueyer or filcher, a hackney whore, while she is in fact: she pyckes the caytiues pursse. | ||
Blacke Bookes Messenger 12: She was [...] the commonest harlot and hackster that euer made fray vnder the shadowe of Colman hedge. | ||
Choise of Valentines (1899) 5: Thither went I, and bouldlie made enquire If they had hackneis to lett-out to hire. | ||
Jacke Drums Entertainment Act I: The zealous bent of Councellors solide cares is trampled on By eury hacknies heeles. | ||
Crew of Kind Gossips 18: Taffity Queanes, and fine light silken Whores [...] That daily goe like Ladies in attire, And live by hackning out themselves to hire. | ||
O per se O O2: Take heede thou, too, thou hackney-mare who ne’er art ridden, but paid. | Canting Song||
Araignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and unconstant Women 30: A common hackney for everyone that will ride. | ||
Owles almanacke 25: Venus is likely to be Retrograde, falling backward vnder the earth after Sun-set: somewhat shortheeld (an ordinarie fault in an Hackney). | ||
I pray you be not angry n.p.: I should either take a whore into my house, or kéepe her as a hackney [...] led by the nose to beleeue that she loues me, when I pay for the nursing of halfe a dosen of bastards. | ||
Amanda or the Reformed Whore 37: Thou art a Hackney, that have off beene ride. | (prisoner)||
Damoiselle V i: Your Hackney-jade to fetch your Chapman in. | ||
Crabtree Lectures 44: Nay more, thou keepest thy hackny Whoors: They stand at the bottle (of Sacke and Clarret). | ||
‘To His Mistress’ in | (1969) 140: I cannot visit Hyde Park every day / And with a hackney court my time away.||
Gargantua and Pantagruel (1927) I Bk II 333: He assembled three or four especial good hacksters and roaring boys. | (trans.)||
Honest Ghost 94: A gaudy-giddy-giglet is convei’d, A virgin pure, as any Hackney Maid [...] A rare sense-seazing Tweake, whose Speaking eyes And Spintrian art, compleat this Enterprise. | ||
Wandring Whore I 11: She told him, for whores and Hackney Jades, their hire must be payd before strieing [sic] them. | ||
Eng. Rogue I 102: I called Mercury Pimp, the nine Sister Whores [...] the best title I could bestow on Pegasus was Hackney-Jade. | ||
Vinegar and Mustard B: Thou shouldst well know, that I was never such a jade as to tire as thou didst, thou common Hackney thou? for when thou and a fellow was a doing I know what thou didst cry, Dig on, dig on, which is enough, enough in your pocky welch language [...] that was the trick of a jade to tire. | ||
Canting Academy (2nd edn) 62: The Jades will prove common Hacknies upon every slight occasion. | ||
Hudibras Pt III canto 1 lines 591–2: That is no more than every lover Does from his hackney-lady suffer. | ||
London Jilt pt 2 107: Those Nymphs, who like Hackney Horses are ready to serve every one. | ||
Night-Walker Dec. 9: A Hackney must be always content with a Hackneys price. | ||
London-Bawd (1705) 2: She is never without a store of Hackney Jades, which she will let any one Ride. | ||
Hudibras Redivivus II:2 26: And tho’ a common hackney Jade, / This will restore a Punk a Maid. | ||
New Canting Dict. [as cit. c.1698]. | ||
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1985) 10: Allowance being made for the havoc which a long course of hackney-ship and hot waters must have made of her constitution. | ||
The Tricks of the Town Laid Open (4 edn) 68: Hire a Hackney Whore, as your Citizens do their Horses, for a Journey, and no more. | ||
Essay on Woman 15: Ask of thy Mother’s Cunt why she was made / Of lesser Bore than Cow or hackney’d Jade? | ||
Burlesque Homer (3rd edn) 123: I’ve been ten years his hackney jade, / But now I’m weary of the trade. | ||
Adventures of a Speculist II 189: This victim was but just rose from one of those impure hackneys. |
2. a pimp.
Bussy D’Ambois III ii: Thou would’st turn Hackster to any whore, slave to any Jew. |
3. (UK Und.) a penny; thus half a hackney, a halfpenny.
New and Improved Flash Dict. |