Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tik n.2

(S.Afr. drugs) methamphetamine; also attrib.

[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 20 Dec. 🌐 Tik is the slang name given to the stimulant drug meth.
posting at 🌐 Tik. (Crystal meth) Street Names: TIK, LOLLY, Choef, Speed, ICE, Crystals, tuk-tuk, globes, Hitler’s drug, popeyes or a straw.
[SA] in ‘Ben Trovato’ On the Run 280: A heavily tanned desperado trying to win enough to feed his chronic tik habit for another week.
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 30 Mar. 🌐 Law to shut down backyard tik kitchens.
[SA]Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg) 21 Apr. 🌐 Known on the streets as ‘tik,’ it is cheap and often deadly as its leads to argumentativeness.
[UK]Guardian 5 Dec. 🌐 Manyonga & McGrath might sound like a new South African law firm but when they met in 2013 they were a tik user (tik being the township name for crystal meth) and an ex-refuse collector.