Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kenobe n.

[nob n.2 (2)]

(UK Und.) a leading thief, also attrib.

[UK]Herts. Guardian 12 Apr. 3/6: [A] cry was raised of ‘Only “kenobes” there?’ ‘No square men in the room!’ which being interpreted meant only ‘nobs,’ or first-class thieves—none who are following an honest course of life are to be present.
[UK]Sun (London) 10 Apr. 4/6: The ‘kenobe’ life might be a merry one while it lasted, but when they got into the Steel (Coldbath fields Prison) it was a very different matter.
[UK]A. Mayhew Paved with Gold 69: S’elp me! if a mauley like that there ain’t worth a jemmy a day to a kenobe at wiring. Why, they’re just made for hooking a fogle out of a clye.