Green’s Dictionary of Slang

fractured adj.

1. very drunk.

[US]M.A. Crane ‘Misc.’ in AS XXXIII:3 225: Drunks are hung, too, as well as fractured, blind, and destroyed.
[US]E.E. Landy Underground Dict. (1972).
F. Deford in Sports Illus. June 🌐 ‘Then you'd go back into the joint together and buy each other a drink, maybe even end up getting fractured together’.

2. emotionally overcome.

[US]Bill Haley & the Comets ‘Fractured’ 🎵 I’m fractured, fractured, that music fractures me.
[US]E.E. Landy Underground Dict. (1972).

3. divorced.

[US]E. De Roo Young Wolves 50: ‘My parents are fractured. He’s a love and very generous, but he doesn’t come around very often. Lives in Chicago.’ ‘Oh, that’s too bad.’ He had been taught to think of divorce as worse than death.