Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pound v.2

1. (US) of a man, to perform sex vigorously.

[[UK] in D’Urfey Pills to Purge Melancholy II 237: A Vision too I had of old, / That thou a Mortar wert of Gold! / Then cou’d I but the Pestle be, / [...] / Oh! how I wou’d pound my Spice in thee].
[US] in E. Cray Erotic Muse (1992) 55: My husband’s a carpenter, a carpenter, a carpenter, / A very fine carpenter is he. / All day he pounds nails, pounds nails, pounds nails. / At night he comes home and pounds me.
[US] in E. Cray Erotic Muse (1992) 368: I wish I was a pretty little girl and I had lots of money. / I would marry a carpenter’s son; / he’d be as good as any. / He would pound and I would pound and we would pound together. / Oh, what fun we would have, pounding one another.
[US] in T.I. Rubin Sweet Daddy 26: Hell, if I tried to pound all of them every night, I’d really need you, Doc.
[US]D. Goines Swamp Man 108 All the Jones brothers pounding his wife.
[UK]P. Barker Liza’s England (1996) 79: He swing his leg over and pounded away as if you’d no more feelings than the mattress.
[US]W. Ellis Crooked Little Vein 234: She’s in there with some lawyer pounding her like he’s drilling for oil.

2. (US black/campus, also pound back) to eat or drink (quickly).

[US]J. Bouton Ball Four 189: ‘Attaway to go boys. Pound that ol’ Budweiser into you and go get them tomorrow’.
[US] W. Safire What’s The Good Word? 304: We can pound a few brews and scope the local units (who are all too often grimbos).
[US]M. McAlary Buddy Boys 100: Massar pounded down several cans of beer.
[US]D. Lehane A Drink Before the War 210: In the back of the schoolyard [...] twenty or so of the older neighborhood kids pounded back some beers.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr. 8: pound some cans – drink large quantities of beer.
[US]Simon & Burns ‘The Wire’ Wire ser. 1 ep. 6 [TV script] Then we go home, like good old-fashioned cops, and pound some Budweiser.
[US]S.M. Jones Lives Laid Away [ebook] She pounded back three full gulps of the chilled wine.
[US]S.M. Jones Lives Laid Away [ebook] ICE agents spend half their time pounding down good Mexican food.
[US](con. 1991-94) W. Boyle City of Margins 11: Donnie pounds the rest of his beer and rips a loud belch.

3. (US drugs) to consume drugs in pill form.

[US](con. 1962) J. Ellroy Enchanters 126: [Marilyn Monroe] ‘pounded pills and sadly succumbed to suicide’.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

pound-text (n.) [his thumping of the Bible]

a parson.

[US]Albany Microscope (NY) 17 May n.p.: ‘In other words, Dr Poundtext, you are — ’ ‘What am I, sir?’ said the parson.
W.B. Rands Henry Holbeach 45: [...] the vicar, Dr Poundtext.
[UK]Grantham Jrnl 18 Mar. 7/1: ‘I would not advise you to go up. The case is a most infectious one.’ Deacon’s Wife: ‘Oh pray do not, dear Mr Poundtext’.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 917/1: C.18–late 19.

In phrases

go pound salt (up one’s ass) (v.)

(US) a euph. for go to hell! under hell n.

[US]Sepe & Telano Cop Team 114: ‘You know they won’t serve firewater to injuns.’ ‘Go pound salt,’ Telano grunted.
[US]C. Hiaasen Skin Tight 47: Secure enough to tell Reynaldo Flemm to go pound salt every time he put the make on her.
pound brass (v.)

(US) to work as a telegraph operator.

Salt River Herald (Phoenix, AZ) 18 May 3/2: Two of the [...] boys in town were located at the stage office, pounding brass.
[US]Omaha Dly Bee (NE) 28 Oct. 14/5: I [...] have been ‘pounding brass’ ever since.
[US]Anaconda Standard (MT) 5 Aug. 3/2: I was a night telegraph operator [...] ‘Pound’ we used to call sleep in those days, because we stopped ‘pounding brass’ to pound our ears.
[US]Van Loan ‘Little Sunset’ in Ten-Thousand-Dollar Arm 79: Jonesey was still ‘pounding brass’ in the same office.
[US]Eve. Public Ledger (Phila., PA) 4 Mar. 22/4: Telegraph Operator [...] Isiah D. Maize, 80 years old, is still ‘pounding brass’ for the Western Union.
pound one’s... (v.)

see also under relevant nouns.

pound one’s ear (v.) (also pound one’s pillow, ...the bell) [tramps attempting to sleep in the boxcars of US railroads as they bumped over the rails]

(US) to sleep; thus ear-pounding n.

[[UK]J. Phillips Maronides (1678) V 126: Quo he, Ile go consult my pillow].
[US]Ledger (Noblesville, IN) 14 Aug. 6/2: ‘I “pounded my ear” all night’.
[US]J. London ‘And ’Frisco Kid Came Back’ in High School Aegis X (4 Nov.) 2–4: I’d pound me ear an’ snore.
[US]A.H. Lewis ‘Red Mike’ in Sandburrs 59: He rolls in to pound his ear.
[US]T.A. Dorgan in Zwilling TAD Lex. (1993) 66: She’ll be pounding her ear on the haypile in a few minutes.
[US]K.H. Day Camion Cartoons [caption in letter] 🌐 G-o-s-h kid, I sure was pounding my ear!
[US]P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 38: Floppin’s, huh? Then I guess we’ll pound our ear.
[US]O. Strange Law O’ The Lariat 38: Now, go pound yore ear, little fat fella.
[US]T. Thursday ‘Good Luck is No Good’ in Federal Agent Nov. 🌐 Before I hit the flop that night to do some earpounding I wind my watch.
[US]D. Runyon ‘Butch Minds the Baby’ in Runyon on Broadway (1954) 346: John is still pounding his ear.
[US]C.B. Davis Rebellion of Leo McGuire (1953) 20: The big kids [...] would sneak a half hour or so pounding the ear.
[US]B. Schulberg Harder They Fall (1971) 47: I been pounding my ear.
[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 162/2: Pound the bell or ear. To sleep.
[US](con. 1920s) ‘Harry Grey’ Hoods (1953) 79: Let’s all of us pack in and pound the pillow.
[US]Ragen & Finston World’s Toughest Prison 813: pound the ear – To sleep.
[US]‘Troy Conway’ Cunning Linguist (1973) 56: The drone of jets, the smoothness of the flight, the brilliance of the sun - and I was pounding my ear in no time at all.
[Can](con. 1920s) O.D. Brooks Legs 53: Then I’d go to sleep and pound my ear until Bert roused me for chow.
pound sand in a rathole (v.)

(US) to be reasonably intelligent; usu. in phr. not enough sense to pound sand in a rat hole.

Witchita City Eagle (KS) 30 Mar. 2: We farmers may not be able to understand how the universe is governed [...] or to pound sand in a rathole.
[US]St. John’s Herald (Apache Co., AZ) 7 Mar. 2/4: A few chumps accidentally get into the legislature who are not gifted with sufficient sense to pound sand into a rat-hole.
[US]W.C. Gore Student Sl. in Cohen (1997) 14: pound sand, not to know enough to To be hopelessly stupid. ‘He can’t help us, for he doesn’t know enough to pound sand.’.
[US]Ade Fables in Sl. (1902) 154: Somebody that wasn’t afraid to Work, and had Gumption enough to pound Sand into a Rat-Hole.
[US]Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, AZ) 6 June 1/1: Some of the Sun’s employees really do enough to pound sand in a rathole (when the directions are on the handle).
[US]Marion Dly Mirror (OH) 12 Apr. 4/1: Litle Nick longworth with about braisn enough to pound sand down a rat-hole.
[US]Mt Vernon Signal (KY) 16 June 3/5: Pounding sand into a rathole seems an easy task compared with keeping the Culebra free of slides.
Lyden Tribute (WA) 24 Aug. 9/4: Most voters don’t know enough to pound sand in a rat-hole.
[US]E. O’Brien One Way Ticket 75: You could teach him more’n you know, and he still wouldn’t know enough to pound sand in a rat hole.
[US]M. Rumaker Exit 3 and Other Stories 112: You go pound sand, you goddamned leech!
[US]E. Thompson Garden of Sand (1981) 36: Them crazy Farm Administration cocksuckers ain’t got sense enough to pound sand in a rat hole!
[US]D.R. Pollock ‘Holler’ in Knockemstiff 156: ‘That girl [...] She don’t have the sense to pound sand down a rat hole’.
pound sand (up one’s ass) (v.)

(US) to suffer.

Chris Crusty [comic] ‘H°ya honey.’ ‘Aw go pound sand up yer ass!!’.
H.B. Darrach Jr. ‘Sticktown Nocturne’ in Baltimore Sun (MD) 12 Aug. A-1/4: ‘I been tru hell,’ he sobbed. ‘Go pound sand!’ Mooney yelled.
[US]G.V. Higgins Cogan’s Trade (1975) 14: I was pounding sand up my ass almost four years.
[US]D.B. Flowers Bangs 167: Jerry and Tommy denied having anything to do with the robbery and told the Mafia associate to go pound sand up his ass.
[US]New Yorker 18 May 🌐 Screw the independent bookstores [...] There weren’t any near where I grew up. There were only ones in college towns. The rest of us could go pound sand.
pound the... (v.)

see also under relevant nouns.

pound the ground (v.)

(US teen) to dance.

[US]Baltimore Sun (MD) Sun. Mag. 4 Dec. 9/1: Twitter MacAfee was the smart play of Blight Area 12, but although she pounded some ground at most of the blasts with Bugsy, the kook always blew the pad with a grub.
pound the headboard (v.) (also pound the mattress, ...the springs)

(US campus) to have sexual intercourse.

[US](con. 1949) J. Hurling Boomers 180: You sure as hell won’t be sleeping much [...] You’ll be pounding the springs till you eyes fall out.
[UK](con. 1940s) G. Dutton Andy 53: He’s got a sheila. [...] But think what a dry-arsed bitch she must be to be pounding the mattress with a dead weight like Dumsday.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Fall.
pound the pavement (v.)

1. (US Und., also pound the blocks, promenade the pavement, walk the pavement, ...pave, trudge the street) to work as a street prostitute; thus pavement-pounding adj., street-walking; thus pavement pounder under pavement n.

[UK] Song No. 13 Papers of Francis Place (1819) n.p.: Near to Temple bar, liv’d two trading women [...] Now we trudge the streets / We’re glad of half a shilling.
[UK] ‘I Am A Blowen Togg’d Out So Gay’ in Flare-Up Songster 16: I never goes one fadge under my price [...] On my own bottom I walks the pave.
[UK] ‘A Blowen in a Alley Pigg’d’ in Comic Songster and Gentleman’s Private Cabinet 34: A randy blowen truly; / Who walk’d the pave so gally rigg’d.
[US]Whip & Satirist of NY & Brooklyn (NY)1 Oct. n.p.: Is she going to promenade the pavement in future .
[US] in E. Cray Erotic Muse (1992) 129: See him passing to the Commons, / Making laws for rich and pore. / See her walking of [sic] the pyvements, / Nothing but a bloody whore.
[US]A.J. Pollock Und. Speaks n.p.: Pounding the pavement, a prostitute soliciting men on the street.
[US]M. Rand ‘Clip-Joint Chisellers’ in Ten Story Gang Aug. 🌐 He was giving all the hardworking, pavement-pounding chippies hell.
[US]D. Maurer ‘Prostitutes and Criminal Argots’ in Lang. Und. (1981) 116/2: To pound the pavement or To pound the blocks. To solicit as a streetwalker.
[Aus]‘Geoffrey Tolhurst’ Flat 4 King’s Cross (1966) 118: ‘I’m not suggesting you start pounding the pavement,’ said Sammy, looking a little hurt.
[US]J. Sayles Union Dues (1978) 152: ‘She’s just a hooker. Why you want to lean on her like that?’ ‘She’s protecting that black motherfucker Slick is why. Out pounding the pavement so’s he can flash that smile of his at us.’.

2. (US, also pound the asphalt, ...streets) to walk the streets, esp. in search of a job.

[US]‘Hugh McHugh’ John Henry 45: When he’s not pounding the pave [...] he’s acting as second assistant engineer in a pool room.
‘O. Henry’ Options (1916) 30: I’m pounding the asphalt for another job [DA].
[US]Dly Press (Newport, VA) 16 Mar. 7/1: A constant heel-and-toe marathon [...] with no purpose but to the wear down shoe soles by pounding the pavement.
[US]Wash. Times (DC) 24 Nov. 12/6: I’m in training [...] I’ve got to be out pounding the asphalt in Central Park at 5 o’clock in the morning.
[US]‘Dean Stiff’ Milk and Honey Route 160: Pounding the pavements a little now and then.
[US](con. 1920s) J.T. Farrell Judgement Day in Studs Lonigan (1936) 538: I sure pounded the pavements in the Loop looking for a job.
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn).
[US]N. Spinrad Bug Jack Barron 30: You and me [...] would be out pounding the pavement tomorrow.
[Can](con. 1920s) O.D. Brooks Legs 69: Next morning I got up early, ate breakfast, then pounded the streets looking for a pearl-diving job.
[US]I.L. Allen City in Sl. (1995) 40: To enter on the street and to walk on the sidewalk, especially when looking for something to do, in the logic of slang, is [...] to pound, or to beat the bricks, the pavement, or sometimes the macadam.

3. (also pound sidewalks) of a police officer, to walk the streets.

[US]Eve. Star (DC) 20 Apr. 26/5: Let th’ young fellers pound the’ pavement.
[US]A.H. Lewis Confessions of a Detective 13: You’ll be pounding the pavement with a nightstick inside of thirty days.
[US]Tacoma Times (WA) 6 Aug. 2/3: World famous athletes [...] have been ordered to ‘pound the pavement,’ the same as policemen.
[US]Wash. Times (DC) 17 May 12/2: The officer who does his asphalt pounding from the First precinct station thought he had discovered buried treasure.
[US]N.Y. Tribune 4 Dec. 1/5: The uniformed policemen, the men who ‘pound the pavement’ every day or night.
[US]Wash. Times (DC) 22 Nov. 19/4: Four stories below, pounding the pavement with his size 12 shoes, was Officer O’Toole.
[US]Black Mask Aug. III 16: I [...] nod to the ferret-eyed dick who’s pounding the pavement.
[US]M. Fiaschetti You Gotta Be Rough 28: That little bit of instruction [. . .] came during those weeks when I was a harness bull pounding a beat out in the wilds of Williamsburg.
[UK]J. Curtis You’re in the Racket, Too 246: Got a bit browned off with pounding the pavement.
[US]R. Brister ‘Rock-a-Bye Booby’ in Ten Detective Aces Sept. 🌐 You want to pound pavements the rest of your life?
[US]C.S. Montanye ‘Opals Are Unlucky’ in Thrilling Detective Jan. 🌐 McClain [...] didn’t like to be called ‘officer’ because it reminded him too much of his pavement pounding days.

4. (US drugs) to search for drugs, which can often require hours of walking.

[US]I.L. Allen City in Sl. (1995) 38: Pounding the pavement is the relentless search for drugs.
pound the rails (v.) (also pound the ties)

(US) to travel by train, esp. as a hobo.

[US]C.F. Lummis letter 15 Sept. in Byrkit Letters from the Southwest (1989) 5: Here I took the O. & M. track, and began ‘pounding the ties’ westward.
[US]Abilene Reflector (MN) 7 Apr. 11/3: When last seen he was pounding ties for Junction.
[US]Eve. Bulletin (Honolulu) 30 Apr. 10/3: Fortunately [...] they had a generous bank roll to start in with, else they would now be pounding the ties.
[US]Van Loan ‘Piute vs. Piute’ in Score by Innings (2004) 306: We arrived in the morning, after pounding the rails all night in the freight caboose.
Lake Co. Times (Hammond, IN) 27 Mar. 4/4: ‘Business is rotten,’ said Holdup Ben [...] ‘Fake oil salesmen are pounding the ties’.