Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bousy adj.

also bowsie, boosing, bowsy, bouz(e)y
[bouse n. + sfx -y]

(UK Und.) drunken.

[UK]R. Copland Hye way to the Spyttel House Eiii: Come none of these pedlers this way also, / With pak on bak, with theyr bousy speche / Jagged and ragged with broken hose and breche.
J. Skelton Bokes n.p.: Droupy and drowsy / Scuruy and lowsy / Her face all bowsy.
[UK]Greene Quip for an Upstart Courtier C3: He is (sir) to bee breefe a bowsie bawdy miser, good for none but himselfe and his trug .
H. Crosse Vertues common-vvealth n.p.: [H]e deserueth no other epithite then a bowsie beastly drunkard.
[UK]Dekker Lanthorne and Candle-Light Ch. 1: Enough – with bowsy Coue maund Nace, / Tour the Patring Coue in the Darkeman Case.
[UK]Rowlands Martin Mark-all 9: Nicholas Chatbourne, the bowsie bagbearer.
[UK]Middleton & Dekker Roaring Girle V i: O I wud lib all the lightmans [...] And couch till a palliard docked my dell, / So my bousy nab might skew rom-bouse well.
B. Jonson Bartholomew fayre 164: And in the meane time, to be greazy, and bouzy, / And nasty, and filthy, and ragged and louzy,.
[UK]J. Gower [trans.] Ovid Romane calendar 111: The bouzy guest, deck'd with a film-flower crown, / In drunken garb there dances up and down.
[UK]T. Randolph Hey for Honesty 15: Let us be sure Pover[t]y die out-right, I begin to be bowsie in her company.
G. Wharton Select & Choice Poems 26: Victors but once grown bouzy with success, / Dream of nought else, but Gold and Gloriousness.
[UK]J. Dunton Informer’s Doom 96: [A] thredbare black coat [...] whereon the Map of Drunkenness was drawn, with the bawdy and bowsie excrements that dropt from his filthy leaking mouth.
[UK]T. Jevon Devil of a Wife 20: I am Bouzy and right for mischief; let's execute our design.
[UK]Shadwell Squire of Alsatia 12: I was plaguy Bowsy last night with Squire Belfond: We had Fiddles, Whores, Scour'd, broke Windows, beat Watches, and roar'd like Thunder.
[UK]D’Urfey New Poems 135: Two buxum young Harlots were drinking with L— / [...] / All fluster’d and bousie / The doting old Sot.
[UK]Dryden Juvenal X 202: Drunk, at an Armies Dinner, to the Lees; With a long Legend of Romantick things, Which, in his Cups the Bowsy Poet sings.
[UK]A. Smith Lives of Most Notorious Highway-men, etc. (1926) 203: [...] Bowsy, drunk. We bowsed about, that is, we drank hard.
[UK]Canter’s Serenade in Farmer Musa Pedestris (1896) 43: Rise, shake off your straw, / And prepare you each maw / To kiss, eat, and drink till youre bouzy.
[UK]Gent.’s Mag. 559: To express the condition of an Honest Fellow, and no Flincher, under the Effects of good Fellowship, it is said that he is [...] Bouzey.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]J. Walker Pronouncing Dict. 60/2: Bousy, Drunken.
[UK]‘Peter Pindar’ Tristia (1806) 48: In seas of rosy wine, Where rosy Pitt resign’d his boosing breath.
‘Humours of Glasgow Fair’ [broadsheet ballad] Now Willock and Tam, gay and bouzy, / By this time had met with their joes.