Green’s Dictionary of Slang

schwantz n.

also schvance, schvantz, schvonce, shvantz, swanska
[Yid. schwantz, the tail]

1. a general derog. description.

[US]J. Weidman I Can Get It For You Wholesale 201: Just between me and you, Meyer [...] I think Teddy Ast is a big schvantz.
[US]J. Weidman What’s In It For Me? 98: Before she suddenly had to start rehearsing for a schvantz like Teddy Ast.
[US]J. Krantz Scruples 6: ‘You,’ she said, enunciating clearly, ‘are a putz, a schmekel, a schmuck, a schlong, and a shvantz. And a WASP putz at that.’.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett White Shoes 71: You can take all the cheesecake photos you want. You got that —schvantzs.
[US]J. Porter ‘Good Luck in Puerto del Oro’ in ThugLit July [ebook] ‘I think I saw that fat schwanz Carlos’.

2. (US) the penis.

[US]Guild Dict. Homosexual Terms 35: Penis [...] swanska. [Ibid.] 40: schwantz (n.): Penis.
[US]R. Price Blood Brothers 165: All you fuckin’ kids, you slip ’em the schvance an’ you think that’s all there is to it.
[US]L. Kramer Faggots 321: Think schnitzel, schwantz, sewing machine, slug, spout, sword, tom-tom, wand, wang, water pistol, weener, wienie!, wheezer!, wishbone!, worm!, Ying-Yang!
[US]H. Max Gay (S)language.
[US]N. Green Shooting Dr. Jack (2002) 37: He’s a naked, fat, hairy bastard with a little, tiny schwantz.
[US](con. 1960s) J. Ellroy Blood’s a Rover 26: The Mutant told them to get his schvantz in the pix.
[US]T. Robinson Hard Bounce [ebook] [W]e were going to be discussing a massive schvonce.
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 34: He boffed five babes in one week [...] I camera-caught the wives as Jimmy shot them the schvantz.

3. (US gay) a sexually successful male, assumed to have a large penis.

[US]Guild Dict. Homosexual Terms 43: SWANSKA (n.): A male known for his sexual conquests who is presumed to possess a large penis.