Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hot shit n.

also that hot shit
[hot adj. (7) + shit n. (2c)]
(orig. US)

1. (also hot shite) something important, vibrant, exciting, fashionable etc.

[US]Wentworth & Flexner DAS.
[Aus]‘Thommo’ Dict. Aus. Swearing & Sex Sayings 69: HOT SHIT — Good stuff.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 352: hot shit. Hot shot, hot stuff; often ironic, comparable to hot dog. Also an exclamation of amazement and appreciation.
[UK]A. Warner Sopranos 116: Hot shite. Fucking mental.
[US]B. Coleman Rakim Told Me 64: ‘When you hear some hot shit, like what Kane and G Rap was doing back then, you can’t wait to go home and try to top it’.

2. an important person or someone who thinks they are.

[US]H.S. Thompson letter 9 April in Proud Highway (1997) 451: My best to the other hot shits.
[US]J. Webb Fields of Fire (1980) 228: We had a lot of hot shits on the parade ground, and a lot of motivated sons of bitches.
[US]R. Price Lush Life 196: Ther big deal, Mister Hot Shit Harry Steele, is that I was here before you opened the restaurant. I was here first.
[US]B.V. Lawson ‘Shawdow Man’ in C. Rhatigan and N. Bird (eds) Pulp Ink 2 [ebook] Badass dudes who think they’re the hottest shit since God himself took a crap.
[US](con. 1991-94) W. Boyle City of Margins 12: ‘You think yuo’re hot shit. You think you’re [Sly] Stallone’.

In phrases