Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hard-ass adj.

also hard-arse, hard-arsed, hard-assed, hard-dicked
[hard adj. (2) + -ass sfx]

tough, no-nonsense, uncompromising.

[US]F. Harvey Strike Command 115: So good-by, you hard-assed old bastard.
[US]H.S. Thompson Hell’s Angels (1967) 135: The original Oakland Angels were hard-ass brawlers.
[US]B. Malamud Tenants (1972) 38: A hardassed attractive girl with an animated open face and fine figure.
[UK]A. Salkey Come Home, Malcolm Heartland 110: I’ve taken a proper hard-arse look at myself, ol’ man.
[US]A. Brooke Last Toke 160: The hard-ass homicide honkie had his shit together.
[UK]F. Norman Too Many Crooks Spoil the Caper 206: She was flanked by Glenys, lookin her usual sexy hardarsed self and a man I’d never seen before.
[US]E. Torres After Hours 33: I been hard nose and hard ass all my life.
[US]R. Price Breaks 196: I started getting incensed, hard-assed, filled with [...] outrage.
[US](con. 1969–70) D. Bodey F.N.G. (1988) 287: Callmeblack sometimes has a hardass look that I think I remember from [...] when we had just gotten in-country.
[US]S.L. Hills Tragic Magic 146: The Department of Correctional Services only supplies you with certain things: a towel, a toothbrush, that hardass lye soap.
[US]T. Jones Pugilist at Rest 9: Every member of the platoon was called in and grilled by a team of hard-ass captains.
[UK]Observer Mag. 18 July 12: His new single [...] features hard-ass rapper of the moment, Nas.
[US]P. Beatty Tuff 224: A luscious, dark black, hard-ass gospel body.
[NZ]A. Duff Jake’s Long Shadow 69: I am still the big boss of those hard-arsed bastards.
A. Swofford (con. 1990) Jarhead 95: This Siek guy sounds like a real hard-dicked bitch.
[Scot](con. 1980s) I. Welsh Skagboys Ay Hollywood film nopir, where the women were hard-arsed, dirty rides with fast, trashy gobs: .
[Aus]N. Cummins Tales of the Honey Badger [ebook] My boss at the time [...] was old school and as hard-arse as they come.
[US]A. Trebek The Answer Is 137: [T]here are some who join the military because they’re hard-ass individuals and just like to lord it over other people.