Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Ugandan discussion n.

[originated in the UK satirical magazine Private Eye, following the catching in flagrante of a Ugandan diplomat who excused herself by claiming that she and her partner had been ‘talking about Uganda’]

sexual intercourse; plus vars., such as talk about Uganda, Ugandan affairs.

[US]A. Wallace ‘The Listress’ 16 May 🌐 What activity are the following euphemisms for? 1. Eat cauliflower. 2. Wind up the clock. 3. Drive home. 4. Have a Northwest Cocktail. 5. Introduce Charlie. 6. Parallel park. 7. Buzz the Brillo. 8. Make the chimney smoke. 9. Talk about Uganda. Answer: Have sex.
[US]D. Lypchuk ‘A dirty little story’ in eye mag. 8 July 🌐 He suggested they do some Ugandan discussion at his pit, where they lay down on the rack monster.
[US]Vocabula Rev. July IV:7 🌐 There are many jocular noun constructions that also provide the same meaning, and range in acceptability, although none of them has the versatility of their one-word equivalents: ‘Ugandan affairs,’ ‘country matters,’ ‘parallel parking,’ ‘horizontal folk-dancing,’ ‘you know what,’ ‘indoor sledging,’ ‘knee-trembler.’ Again, as the allusion retreats from sex and approaches humor, it becomes more acceptable.