tuft n.
1. (also tuff) female pubic hair, by ext. the vagina; thus tufted, female.
Wandring Whore V 7: […] helping a Gentlewoman on Horseback, slipp’t his hand under her belly and tore a tufft of hair off her Commodity. | ||
‘Satyr Undisguis’d’ Harleian Mss. 7319.271: Lecherous Stamford, poor Monmouth draws so That his Grace need never a hunting to go To keep him in Tuft. | ||
Harleian Mss. 7312.20: Deep in an uncouth Vaile ’twixt swelling hills Curl’d ore with shady Tufts. | ‘Iter Occidentale’||
‘England a great bedlam’ in | Poems on Divers Subjects (1706) 1348: The Female Qual’ty who devide / Their lazy hours 'twixt Lust and Pride, / Bit by the Dog-sIar in the Breech; / That makes their tufted Honours itch'.||
Letters from the Dead to the Living in Works (1760) II 186: You did die a martyr for a pair of penetrable whiskers, fell a bleeding sacrifice to a cloven tuft. | ||
The Female Contest 23: Her lovely all-alluring Tuff / Was black, and near as big, / As any Northern Monarch’s Muff. | ||
Poems (1752) [title] ‘On a Lady of Pleasure, that had a Tuft of Ribbons at the Bottom of her Stomacher.’. | ||
Homer Travestie (1764) I 122: For Juno, ever mischief hatching, / Had rubb’d her belly bare with scratching, / Whilst Venus, so divinely fair, / Had got a glorious tuft of hair. | ||
Honest Fellow 68: Her lovely all-alluring tuff, / Was black and near as big / As any northern monarch’s muff. | ||
Pinktoes (1989) 114: Just keep flipping your tuft at him. | ||
Bacchanalian Mag. 36: Her lovely, all-alluring tuff, / Was black. | ||
Peeping Tom (London) 30 118/2: ‘Every hill in the prospect [i.e. of a naked girl] is tufted!’. | ||
Observer 10 Feb. n.p.: [The Degas drawings] are all brothel scenes and show plenty of tuft [DSUE]. |
2. an aristocratic, titled undergraduate [the tuft was that adorning the mortarboards of titled students – of gold threads rather than the usual black].
implied in tuft-hunter n. (1) | ||
Sporting Mag. Dec. XV 125/1: If I thought any were so dull, as not yet rightly to comprehend what a tuft is, 1 should tell them it is a noble, or wealthy student, at the University, so called, from part of his head dress. | ||
Shabby Genteel Story (1853) 34: The lad went to Oxford [...] frequented the best society, followed with a kind of proud obsequiousness all the tufts. | ||
Pendennis II 233: Still the same man we remember at Oxbridge, when he was truckling to the tufts, and bullying the poor undergraduates. | ||
Tom Brown at Oxford (1880) 84: Gentlemen-commoners [...] seem to me to be worse than the tufts, and to furnish most of their toadies. | ||
Sl. Dict. 330: Tufts at the University, noblemen, who pay high fees and are distinguished by golden TUFTS, or tassels, in their caps. | ||
Eve. Teleg. (Dundee) 1 June 2/3: Jubilee Tuft-Hunting. [...] There has been a rush for Jubilee tufts [...] a gentleman believed to possess great influence [...] has been ‘approached’ in behalf of no fewer than 500 gentlemen anxious for knighthoods. |