Green’s Dictionary of Slang

flopping n.

[flop n.5 (2)]

(US tramp) a sleeping bag or similar covering; in pl., a place where one sleeps.

[US]J. London ‘Jack London in Boston’ in Boston Eve. Post 26 May 32: How’d you find floppings? Pretty crimpy, eh?
[US]P. & T. Casey Gay-cat 22: The hoboes crawled out of their floppings like dead souls awakened by some inexorable law in which they had no wish or say.
[US]E. Caldwell Bastard (1963) 20: I asked the bird for a flopping place for about four bits.
[US]O. Ferguson ‘Vocab. for Lakes, [etc.]’ AS XIX:2 104: ‘You notice them lumber piles, how they got a cover over the top? That’s good floppings’ (or, where to spend an odd night).