Green’s Dictionary of Slang

spacker n.

also spack, spacka, spacko
[abbr. spastic n.]

a sufferer from cerebral palsy, thus a general term of abuse.

OnLine Dict. of Playground Sl. 🌐 spack, spaz, spazmo, spacker, spanner, spadge n. derog. 1) a person suffering from cerebral palsy with spasm of the muscles. 2) An excessively stupid or unpleasant person.
[UK]D. Mitchell Black Swan Green 273: This – oily – spacko – maggot!
[UK]R. Milward Apples (2023) 124: [H]e wanted to collect the dole while Mam grafted at the Spacker School.
S. Miller Paralympian 28: The way I looked at it, calling me ‘spacka’ was no different from me calling someone ‘four-eyes’ or ‘spotty’. We all called each other names.