Green’s Dictionary of Slang

grummet n.

also grummit
[SE grummet, a ring of rope, a washer]

1. (also grummit) the vagina.

[UK] ‘The Cadger’s Christening’ in Sparkling Songster 21: Peg Pullcock did loudly declare, / That she had the largest old grummit.
[UK]‘Walter’ My Secret Life (1966) I 114: ‘You have been washing your grummet?’ No reply. [Ibid.] XI 2264: The other lad suddenly made a dig at the fair haired one’s clothes outside her grummit.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.

2. sexual intercourse.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) : since mid-C.19.

3. (orig. N.Z. surfing, also grummit) a woman, esp. as a sex object.

Morrieson Scarecrow 146: A sexy little piece like you is wasted on these hoboes [...]. Just wait till the boys see the class bit of grummit I’ve picked up for myself in the sticks.

4. (N.Z. juv., also grommet) someone or something disliked.

[NZ]informant in DNZE (1998).
Dominion Sun. Times (Wellington) 22 Apr. 4: If you’re called [by adolescents] a grommet (a surfing term)’ve been insulted.

In phrases

get one’s grummit (v.)

of a woman, to have sexual intercourse.

[UK]‘Ramrod’ Nocturnal Meeting 56: You have been luckier than the rest of us [...] and got your grummit from him without risk.