Green’s Dictionary of Slang

beaner n.3

[stereotyping; beans are seen as a staple of the Hispanic immigrant diet]

1. a Mexican.

[US]Current Sl. IV:3-4 (1970).
[US](con. c.1970) G. Hasford Short Timers (1985) 57: Hey, bro, the Crotch don’t send beaners into the field. We’re too tough.
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 55: Most of the pejoratives characterized Chicanos in terms of the foods associated with them [...] bean, beaner.
[US]J. Wambaugh Secrets of Harry Bright (1986) 233: I ain’t a kike or a beaner or a nigger.
[US]C. Hiaasen Lucky You 166: It’s fine and dandy for him to roust a couple beaners for eight lousy bucks.
[US]C. Hiaasen Skinny Dip 189: He’d damn near crippled a couple of sorry beaners just for lookin’ at him.
[US]Simon & Burns ‘Get Some’ Generation Kill ep. 1 [TV script] Beaners ’re crackin’ on your people too.
[US]D. Winslow Border [ebook] And if a bunch of white trash, beaners and niggers killed one another, it was no loss, was it?
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 90: Harry sprung three badass beaners from the [...] drunk tank.

2. a Cuban or other Latin-American.

[US]J. Ellroy Amer. Tabloid 183: Commies dug capitalisto-style gambling [...] The clientele was 100% beaner.
J. Born Burn Zone 76: It wasn’t so bad with just Cubans, but now it seemed like every form of beaner had taken up residence in the Sunshine State.